Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park, Montana
Back in the mid-90s I was working for a mom and pop company.
Glacier National Park, Montana
After a couple years, they sold the company to a big corporation.
Glacier National Park, Montana
Every year, the big corporation had a company retreat at the CEOs ranch in Montana. Employees slept in sleeping bags in stables and tents.
Glacier National Park, Montana
Except me and my friend. My friend has sleep apnea so he needed electricity for his C-PAP machine. So, he got to sleep in the guest house and I snuck in with him and slept on the floor-way better than sleeping in a horse stable.
Glacier National Park, Montana
Anyway, the weekend was an absolutely horrible mess of bad behavior and drunkenness that I won't describe here, except to say that on Saturday night the CEO had a big party for everyone where he gave a speech during which he (unfavorably) compared the breeding of his employees to his horses.

The one highlight was when the CEO's wife drove us around Glacier National Park, which wasn't far away.
Glacier National Park, Montana
I wish I had taken more pictures.
Glacier National Park, Montana
But, suffice it to say, the park is a wonder.
Glacier National Park, Montana
I only wish I could somehow detach the memory of the park from the memory of the corporate retreat.
Glacier National Park, Montana
If you enjoyed this story, you might like my novel Truffle Hunt
Order the Truffle Hunt ebook at Amazon
Order a softcover copy of Truffle Hunt at Eckhartz Press



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