Sharks Cove, North Shore, Oahu

The origin of the name Sharks Cove is in dispute.
Sharks Cove, North Shore, Oahu
Some say it was named for the reef that looks to be in the shape of a shark.
Good waves
Others say it is for the white-tipped reef sharks (harmless) that frequent the area.
I need to learn about these trees. I see them all over Oahu.
Either way, Sharks Cove is one of the most popular areas of the North Shore for snorkeling.
Rocks to climb on, since there's no real beach at Sharks Cove,
There are lots and lots of volcanic rock formations which provide a habitat for plants, tropical fish, and sea turtles.
I thought this made an interesting picture
We didn't go snorkeling, but Shark Cove also has some cool looking vegetation.
You can follow a short trail along the water
And, it's a lot of fun to climb on the rocks and watch the surf.
Lush vegetation helps prevent erosion.
If you go: Snorkeling is best in the summer. The water is too rough and dangerous in the winter. Also, there have been stories of break-ins in cars parked at Sharks Cove. We didn't have any problems, but like always, secure your valuables and lock your car.
Sharks Cove, North Shore, Oahu
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