Lychee fruit

Fresh unpeeled Lychee
Fresh Lychee fruit are one of the joys of living in Hawaii. Lychee originated in southern China 1,000 years ago, but have been grown in Hawaii for less than 150 years.
Fresh peeled and unpeeled Lychee
The rind of the Lychee ranges in tones from pink to red. The first time I bought Lychee, I had no idea how to open the rind to get to the juicy fruit inside. Do I cut it in half like an onion? Do I use a vegetable peeler like a potato? No, just puncture the skin with your thumbnail like a clementine and peel it. So easy.
Fresh peeled Lychee
The flavor of the Lychee is sweet like a pear with a floral hints like rosewater. Enjoy them while they're fresh, but they shouldn't be eaten unripe and children shouldn't eat a lot of Lychee due to a toxin in the seed that can also be present in the fruit.
Fresh peeled Lychee
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